Friday, October 12, 2012

It's been a Long Time!!

It has been so long since we sat and chatted, face to face! I loved talking to my dear friend on the phone the other night - that's been a while too!  It's always good to hear her voice, her encouraging words and good advice. Close friends and "kindred spirits" are few and far between. I have some very dear acquaintances and several friends who I consider very 'close', but once in a while there are just those people who seem to understand you, even when you're not speaking. These are friends who you may not hear from often, but when you do connect it is like you've never been apart. Draw up a chair; the tea water is hot and the cookies are still warm.

The rains have come, in answer to our prayer (and those of fellow believers). Our shallow well is filled, quite above the pump now. For this we are truly thankful. It had been six and 1/2 years, toting water and showering with a home made pump shower. Once we had a well, faucets and a shower, it was a miracle! Late this Summer the well was practically dry and the prayers for rain started. The Lord has answered above and beyond our expectations, with weeks of rain and only a few sunny days stuck in here and there. We are so thankful for the way God leads and provides.

Our World's Fair has come and gone. Mom even entered some of her artwork this year. She seemed to enjoy it and was pleased with two blue ribbons! It is so good to have her living so close by now. It has been over two years since Dad died and she has just begun the grieving process within the last several months. For a long time she wouldn't let herself believe that he was gone to be with the Lord. We are happy to hear her say, "well, we know that he was saved", each time she speaks of missing him. How terrible, for those who do not have that assurance.

Syd and I celebrated our 32nd anniversary yesterday. It truly seems like 'only yesterday' that we were married! I am thankful for a loving, giving husband who shows Christ to me, daily, through his life. We had a nice dinner at home and a close friend came over to have Bible study with us later in the evening. These  studies have been a blessing to her and such a blessing to us! It is amazing how the Lord leads us along and changes us, conforming us to His image, from the day we are spiritually born and until the day of Jesus Christ.

My tea is gone and tummy is full of cookies. I suppose it is time to get up and do what needs doing around here. I'm so glad for this little chat. I hope you'll stop by again, more often even. Take care!
Here are a few pictures from an old album I was peeking through earlier:

Sturm, resting on  his big black pillow, Ruger

I see that Sturm and Ruger found a sunny spot on the kitchen floor, nice warm place for a nap

My Sweetie and Sturm on the day he came to live with us