Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Winter Poem for a Friend

Have you any snow where you are?  I am sending some with this little poem.

A Tri-Colored Pallette
Softly; falling gently to touch down on the limb.
Quietly; not a sound; as I stand amongst the drifting
  flakes resting softly on my shoulders and hair.
Winterbirds; hear their calls sweetly sing
  to the symphony of snowdrops, falling,
  now drifting swiftly through chill air.

Each gray twig, now encased in white
Stand silhouetted 'gainst a canvas of gray
  sky; steely and looming as if holding back the tide.
Misty, winter-white fingers reach out, as a flight
  of bright blue jays streak through the trees
  to rest, to peck beneath the snow, to fruitlessly hide.

The blue of the jay calls out to my eye;
Snow is more brilliant now; branches alive
  with the indigo ornaments which bob and flit;
For a seed or a twig hidden below, they vie
  while snowdrops cover their tiny tracks
  once left in the white, mounted carpet.

More fervent now; winds furiously gust;
Hiding the distant gray backdrop
  of this masterpiece, so gloriously displayed;
The realization, a most wise choice, I trust;
  to step in where the shelter of window and wood
  brings warmth where once chill snowdrops laid.

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