Saturday, July 30, 2011

Listen to the Flowers and the Breeze

Weeds, weeds, everywhere weeds!  That's the story of the front  yard.  The dog lays among the tall grass that is our driveway.   The air is breezy, the sun is warm and I just can't decide whether to take a walk or weed the yard.  Zinnias and cosmos are blooming against the house and are trying to say, "give me some more sun, please!" as the coltsfoot closes in around them.  I can hear them and I know how much this would add to their beauty, so that would be the area to start.

As the air rushes through the leaves, however, I can hear a beautiful whisper that calls, "commme, take a walk in the cool woods".   I believe that a combination walk/weeding session is in order.  This will make the dog, the flowers and me all very happy!

Off we go, up the road

I hope you have a beautiful weekend, whatever you decide to do.

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