It's so wonderful to be chatting with you. I want to bring our newest little friend to your house so he can also meet Meg. I'll show you a picture...'s little Sturm, all wound up and ready to play!
I hope your desk pile gets shorter today. My mail's all sorted and now there's just a large pile of bulk letters to put up on the boxes. Yes, it's that time of year again. The Christmas cards are pouring in, but among them are the appeals for money, money, money!
I'm almost ready to head home to see how the little guy did this morning. Of course, how much trouble can you get in when you're locked in a crate? We hope we don't have to use it for too long, but it is what he's used to and we just don't know whether he's a chewer..on things other than his toys! Ruger was left in charge of the house and the crate. I have no doubt that he's done his job well, as he's "tried and true". He LOVES this puppy. They were each given a new rope toy last night. This morning Ruger took Sturm's and tossed it to him several times, then turned to his own new rope and got me to play tug-of-war with him while Sturm took it all in from the couch. I've no doubt that tomorrow we'll all be playing this game together. This little fellow watches everything quite closely and I think he's a fast learner.
Sorry this message was "for the dogs" but we're pretty excited about the little guy. I'll be back for a REAL CHAT soon. Get the tea kettle on!!